Created 12-29-2016 09:42 AM
using ambari and HDP 2.5
I'm trying to execute the first lab instruction : a = LOAD 'geolocation' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
I add the following argument to let Pig know the HCatLoader() class : -useHCatalog
I get the following log :
can any one help me to fix this? thanks.
ls: cannot access /hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/admin/appcache/application_1482423183850_0022/container_1482423183850_0022_01_000002/hive.tar.gz/hive/lib/slf4j-api-*.jar: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/admin/appcache/application_1482423183850_0022/container_1482423183850_0022_01_000002/hive.tar.gz/hive/hcatalog/lib/*hbase-storage-handler-*.jar: No such file or directory
WARNING: Use "yarn jar" to launch YARN applications.
16/12/29 10:28:37 INFO pig.ExecTypeProvider: Trying ExecType : LOCAL
16/12/29 10:28:37 INFO pig.ExecTypeProvider: Trying ExecType : MAPREDUCE
16/12/29 10:28:37 INFO pig.ExecTypeProvider: Picked MAPREDUCE as the ExecType
2016-12-29 10:28:37,537 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Apache Pig version (rexported) compiled Nov 30 2016, 02:28:11
2016-12-29 10:28:37,537 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Logging error messages to: /hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/admin/appcache/application_1482423183850_0022/container_1482423183850_0022_01_000002/pig_1483003717522.log
2016-12-29 10:28:38,970 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils - Default bootup file /home/yarn/.pigbootup not found
2016-12-29 10:28:39,216 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.HExecutionEngine - Connecting to hadoop file system at: hdfs://
2016-12-29 10:28:41,059 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.PigServer - Pig Script ID for the session: PIG-script.pig-9b551f9a-3393-4ab2-93ea-de21982a11cc
2016-12-29 10:28:42,237 [main] INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.TimelineClientImpl - Timeline service address:
2016-12-29 10:28:42,704 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.PigATSClient - Created ATS Hook
2016-12-29 10:28:44,448 [main] WARN org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf - HiveConf of name hive.metastore.local does not exist
2016-12-29 10:28:44,521 [main] INFO hive.metastore - Trying to connect to metastore with URI thrift://
2016-12-29 10:28:44,588 [main] INFO hive.metastore - Connected to metastore.
2016-12-29 10:28:45,238 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Pig script completed in 8 seconds and 278 milliseconds (8278 ms)
Created 12-29-2016 05:02 PM
Some errors in lab -->
a = LOAD 'geolocation' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
b = FILTER a BY event != 'normal';
c = FOREACH b GENERATE driverid, (int) '1' as occurance;
d = GROUP c BY driverid;
e = FOREACH d GENERATE group as driverid, SUM(c.occurance) as totevents;
g = LOAD 'drivermileage' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
h = join e by driverid, g by driverid;
final_data = foreach h generate $0 as driverid, $1 as totevents, $3 as totmiles, (float) $3/$1 as riskfactor;
store final_data into 'riskfactor' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
CREATE TABLE riskfactor (driverid string,totevents bigint,totmiles double,riskfactor float) STORED AS ORC;
Created 12-29-2016 10:33 AM
Can you please share the error, if you scroll down further you will find the exact error. Also see if you are getting same exception mentioned here
Created 03-09-2017 12:29 PM
new to Hortonworks. Following the instruction, and practiced lab3 - pig script. the copied script was completed with an error:
2017-03-09 12:14:30,576 [main] ERROR - ERROR 0:
as a result, the riskfactor table is empty.
any suggestions?
Created 03-09-2017 12:36 PM
Following Wael Horchani's script to recreate the table and run the pig script, it was fixed. thx.
Created 12-29-2016 10:51 AM
My problem is not linked to data type. Please find enclosed the entire log file.job-1482423183850-0021-logs.txt
Created 12-29-2016 11:51 AM
If your script is executing correctly , you can safely ignore these warnings.
Created 12-29-2016 05:02 PM
Some errors in lab -->
a = LOAD 'geolocation' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
b = FILTER a BY event != 'normal';
c = FOREACH b GENERATE driverid, (int) '1' as occurance;
d = GROUP c BY driverid;
e = FOREACH d GENERATE group as driverid, SUM(c.occurance) as totevents;
g = LOAD 'drivermileage' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
h = join e by driverid, g by driverid;
final_data = foreach h generate $0 as driverid, $1 as totevents, $3 as totmiles, (float) $3/$1 as riskfactor;
store final_data into 'riskfactor' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
CREATE TABLE riskfactor (driverid string,totevents bigint,totmiles double,riskfactor float) STORED AS ORC;