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Predictive Analysis Tool


Hello everyone,

I already use HDP in large scale, but I need to know what tool people are using to do Predictive Analysis. I know that are a lot of tools in the market, but I am looking for something that allows me not to have a specific person with a lot of Data Science knowledge, statistics, etc...But i want my business user to build his own analysis.

I know that are some tools in the market that aren´t Open Source like SAP Predictive Analysis that has this purpose.

Does anyone knows another software like this?

Thank you


Expert Contributor

1. H2O is an open source in-memory solution from 0xdata for predictive analytics on big data. With familiar APIs like R and JSON, as well as common storage method of using HDFS, H2O can bring the ability to do advance analysis.

Please refer to the below tutorial from Hortonworks to get started

2. Apache Spark's MLLib is a very popular one used in predictive analytics

3. scikit-learn is another open source Machine learning tool

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Expert Contributor

1. H2O is an open source in-memory solution from 0xdata for predictive analytics on big data. With familiar APIs like R and JSON, as well as common storage method of using HDFS, H2O can bring the ability to do advance analysis.

Please refer to the below tutorial from Hortonworks to get started

2. Apache Spark's MLLib is a very popular one used in predictive analytics

3. scikit-learn is another open source Machine learning tool

New Contributor


Can I use statistical analysis for visualising healthcare data or is there any other technique for visualisation of big data in healthcare.

I have read the statistical techniques i.e. mean,mode,median but I don't know how to implement them. Can you just give me an idea about it.

Thank you


Great @Geetha Anne I will take a look. thank you