Created 01-22-2017 11:49 AM
After enabled Kerberos using Ambari, I got problem creating topics in Kafka using the script. The topic was created, but its status is wrong without leader. It seems the topic is created with PLAINTEXT, while there is only PLAINTEXTSASL broker in the cluster after enabled Kerberos. The only configuration change I made is to chagne broker listener from 'PLAINTEXT://localhost:6667' to 'PLAINTEXTSASL://localhost:6667'. As posted in this question, I also changed the to make it work with Kerberos. I am using HDP2.5.3.
$ ./ --zookeeper ip-10-0-0-149.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic mytopic Created topic "mytopic". $ ./ --zookeeper ip-10-0-0-149.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal --describe --topic mytopic Topic:mytopic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs: Topic: mytopic Partition: 0 Leader: none Replicas: 1001 Isr:
Created 01-23-2017 02:24 AM
When you use a script, command, or API to create a topic, an entry is created under ZooKeeper. The only user with access to ZooKeeper is the service account running Kafka (by default, kafka
). Therefore, the first step toward creating a Kafka topic on a secure cluster is to run kinit
, specifying the Kafka service keytab. The second step is to create the topic.
, specifying the Kafka service keytab. For example:kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab kafka/
command-line tool with the following options:/bin/ --zookeeper <hostname>:<port> --create --topic <topic-name> --partitions <number-of-partitions> --replication-factor <number-of-replicating-servers>
For example:
/bin/ --zookeeper --create --topic test_topic --partitions 2 --replication-factor 2 Created topic "test_topic".
Created 01-22-2017 11:55 AM
@yjiang Could you please tell, as which user did you create the topic? Also could you please provide your file?
Created 01-23-2017 02:43 AM
I created the topic using a normal user (not the 'kafka' service user). Do I need to use 'kafka' user to create the topic?
Below is my
advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXTSASL://ip-10-0-0-149.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:6667 auto.create.topics.enable=true auto.leader.rebalance.enable=true compression.type=producer controlled.shutdown.enable=true controlled.shutdown.max.retries=3 controller.message.queue.size=10 default.replication.factor=1 delete.topic.enable=false,kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory,kafka.server.BrokerTopicMetrics.BytesRejectedPerSec,,, fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requests=10000 kafka.ganglia.metrics.port=8671 kafka.ganglia.metrics.reporter.enabled=true kafka.metrics.reporters=org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.kafka.KafkaTimelineMetricsReporter kafka.timeline.metrics.maxRowCacheSize=10000 kafka.timeline.metrics.port=6188 kafka.timeline.metrics.protocol=http kafka.timeline.metrics.reporter.enabled=true kafka.timeline.metrics.reporter.sendInterval=5900 kafka.timeline.metrics.truststore.password=bigdata kafka.timeline.metrics.truststore.path=/etc/security/clientKeys/all.jks kafka.timeline.metrics.truststore.type=jks leader.imbalance.check.interval.seconds=300 listeners=PLAINTEXTSASL://ip-10-0-0-149.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:6667 log.cleanup.interval.mins=10 log.dirs=/kafka-logs log.index.interval.bytes=4096 log.index.size.max.bytes=10485760 log.retention.bytes=-1 log.retention.hours=168 log.roll.hours=168 log.segment.bytes=1073741824 message.max.bytes=1000000 min.insync.replicas=1 num.partitions=1 num.replica.fetchers=1 offset.metadata.max.bytes=4096 offsets.commit.required.acks=-1 offsets.load.buffer.size=5242880 offsets.retention.minutes=86400000 offsets.topic.compression.codec=0 offsets.topic.num.partitions=50 offsets.topic.replication.factor=3 offsets.topic.segment.bytes=104857600 port=6667 producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests=10000 queued.max.requests=500 replica.fetch.max.bytes=1048576 replica.fetch.min.bytes=1 replica.lag.max.messages=4000 replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytes=65536 socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400 socket.request.max.bytes=104857600 socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400 super.users=User:kafka zookeeper.connect=ip-10-0-0-149.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:2181 zookeeper.set.acl=true
Created 01-23-2017 02:24 AM
When you use a script, command, or API to create a topic, an entry is created under ZooKeeper. The only user with access to ZooKeeper is the service account running Kafka (by default, kafka
). Therefore, the first step toward creating a Kafka topic on a secure cluster is to run kinit
, specifying the Kafka service keytab. The second step is to create the topic.
, specifying the Kafka service keytab. For example:kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab kafka/
command-line tool with the following options:/bin/ --zookeeper <hostname>:<port> --create --topic <topic-name> --partitions <number-of-partitions> --replication-factor <number-of-replicating-servers>
For example:
/bin/ --zookeeper --create --topic test_topic --partitions 2 --replication-factor 2 Created topic "test_topic".
Created 01-23-2017 02:44 AM
I created the topic using a normal user (not the 'kafka' service user). Do I need to use 'kafka' user to create the topic?
Created 01-24-2017 08:57 PM
yes as the kafka user
Created 01-23-2017 08:47 AM
To answer your question -
When you use a script, command, or API to create a topic, an entry is created under ZooKeeper. The only user with access to ZooKeeper is the service account running Kafka (by default, kafka
). Therefore, the first step toward creating a Kafka topic on a secure cluster is to runkinit
, specifying the Kafka service keytab. The second step is to create the topic.
See more in here:
I hope this helps.
Created 01-23-2017 06:21 PM
@yjiang Yes, please try creating the topic as kafka user because when we use to create a test topic, what this script does is to create a node in zookeeper path - /broker/topics/test
then brokers thread gets notified that a new node is created and broker then creates actual data for topic test that is the metadata and physical data. But notice that Brokers are kafka/host@REALM, so if a user other than kafka creates a topic it gets permission for example world:anyone:r sasl:xyz:crdwa
So the new node that is created in zookeeper path will have these permissions. Now when the broker gets alerted and tries to create metadata and physical data for this new topic, it wont be able to because broker principal is kafka but topic's is xyz
Created 01-26-2017 08:42 AM
@yjiang did it work, when created as kafka user?
Created 01-26-2017 10:23 AM
@dbains, @mthiele, @Daniel Kozlowski,
Thank you. It works when created as kafka user.
To summarize all the steps -- from Ambari configs, to creating topic, granting permission and testing on kafka console producer/consumer scripts, I created this article Step by Step Recipe for Securing Kafka with Kerberos. Hope it saves others' time 🙂