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I am trying to integrate Nifi with Pulsar. But unfortunately i cannot find any of Pulsar nar Processors around. I am running Nifi 1.16.3

Thanks for your help.


Expert Contributor

Those processors are bundled in Clouderas CFM package, in particular CFM 2.1.4 they are not released on Apache NiFi bundle.


Thanks for the info.


Hi @rafy 

You didn't say where you looked, or if the NiFi 1.16.3 installation you are running is in the public cloud, on premises or private cloud. What @DigitalPlumber wrote earlier is correct; one of my colleagues provided the following page shot from Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud:

Annotated CDF on CDP Public Cloud Screen Shot 2022-07-18 at 2.58.55 PM.png

So the processors are clearly available. If for some reason you need to use Pulsar with some other distribution of NiFi, you can try checking the GiitHub repo here:

Awesome Apache NiFi + Apache Pulsar



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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Thanks for your help. I also chatted with one of Streamnative dev advocates & he directed me to tons of info. Unfortunately, the nars are & didn't work with on prem Nifi 1.16.3. Also, i tried to build from source files but encountered lot of errors.