Created on 05-04-2017 08:33 AM - edited 09-16-2022 04:33 AM
Hi Cloudera Gurus!
I am working with AWS and Lambda functions written in Python working with automatization.
I can add datanodes properly now but, always, after the deploy the configuration for HDFS nd YARN, I need to "refresh the cluster" and I don't know how. I tried the following:
cms.hosts_start_roles(hosts) if refresh == True: cms.hosts_start_roles(hosts) print "Deploying client configuration for HDFS and YARN" yarn.deploy_client_config() time.sleep(30) hdfs.refresh() time.sleep(30) print "Refresh HDFS nd YARN" hdfs.deploy_client_config() time.sleep(30) yarn.refresh() time.sleep(30) refresh = False print "Finish"
I don't know what I am missing but for HDFS is working all perfectly, but not for YARN. Image attached:
Any ideas what I am missing in my python code?
I am really confused.
Thanks all
Created 05-29-2017 10:24 AM
You might want to try refreshing the ResourceManager (RM) from the UI.
That would be going to CM> YARN> Instances> RM> [Actions]> Refresh RM;
With the API this would be Commands>Refresh see [0] and python [1]
"For YARN services, this command should be executed on ResourceManager roles. It refreshes the role's queue and node information."
Let me know if this works for you.
Created on 05-05-2017 08:16 AM - edited 05-05-2017 08:25 AM
any help here?
Using CDH 5.10.0
Created 05-29-2017 06:11 AM
No ideas about what could be happening here?
Created 05-29-2017 10:24 AM
You might want to try refreshing the ResourceManager (RM) from the UI.
That would be going to CM> YARN> Instances> RM> [Actions]> Refresh RM;
With the API this would be Commands>Refresh see [0] and python [1]
"For YARN services, this command should be executed on ResourceManager roles. It refreshes the role's queue and node information."
Let me know if this works for you.
Created 06-01-2017 05:52 AM