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Query Duration, Client Fetch & Thread times

New Contributor

Hi All,

I'm trying to understand ( and then analyse) the lifecycle of a sub set of our queries, but I'm struggling to get clarity on a couple of points please, as the times don't add up to the duration...


Is Client Fetch Wait Time included in Duration or not?


The thread times seem to be TOTAL times across all threads used, is that correct?

So I can't see an elapsed time for the (for want of a better term) query execution and would need to calculate it, is that correct?  

Is the  query execution time Duration less (Planning + Admission {+ potentially Client fetch based on the answer above)?





Community Manager

Welcome to the community @Mawdo. While you wait for a more knowledgable community member to reply, allow me to supply some reading material in case it helps get you closer. 


Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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