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Question on HDP Versioning

Expert Contributor

My current HDP version is

Can someone explain me the naming standard like what does first 4 numbers mean and the 4 digit number after '-'



Using your example: HDP

  • HDP Major Version 2 -- Version 2 is defined by the introduction of YARN with Hadoop 2.
  • HDP Minor Version 3 -- a Feature Bearing release. New features were introduced in this release. You can see a summary of what was introduced as part of HDP 2.3 in this blog:
  • HDP Maintenance Release 4 -- maintenance releases contain both defect fixes reported by our customers through our support team and proactive fixes from the various Apache community that are deemed important by the Hortonworks engineering team. Maintenance releases are cumulative -- all fixes delivered in HDP 2.3.4 are also in HDP 2.3.6. HDP 2.3.6
  • HDP Patch Level 0 -- patches are provided to one or more customers to address defects and are typically triggered via support cases logged with the Hortonworks support team. Patches are NOT cumulative. Patches are rolled up into maintenance releases and ultimately made available for all customers.
    • Occasionally, a significant defect may be uncovered and because of its critical nature, Hortonworks decides to release a specifically patched version of HDP. This occurred with HDP -- and I'm flagging this because you are on HDP We recommend moving to the patch release or beyond to address these issues. You can see the details in the Release Notes for HDP
  • HDP Build Number -3485 -- The "-####" after the HDP version information is the specific build number that was made available. As we go through the process of pulling code from the various Apache Software Foundation projects and assembling and testing everything together, each release gets a unique build number so that we can identify one set of bits from another. The GA release of HDP was from build 3,485 of the software.

Hope that clarifies things.

I also recommend that you review additional commentary that I posted regarding our release strategy when HDP 2.4 was announced. You may be interested in how this relates to the Major and Minor Versions going forward. We are on the road to HDP 3....

View solution in original post



@Kumar Veerappan

"3485" is the build version.


HDP version is "" and is the "3485" is the build version.

The doc will explain in more detail:

With Example:

Artifacts in our repository use a 7 digit version scheme. So if we’re looking at the version of this artifact:

  • The first three digits (2.7.1) signify the Apache Hadoop base version
  • The next four digits ( signify our Hortonworks Data Platform release
  • The final numbers after the hyphen (169) signifies the build number


Using your example: HDP

  • HDP Major Version 2 -- Version 2 is defined by the introduction of YARN with Hadoop 2.
  • HDP Minor Version 3 -- a Feature Bearing release. New features were introduced in this release. You can see a summary of what was introduced as part of HDP 2.3 in this blog:
  • HDP Maintenance Release 4 -- maintenance releases contain both defect fixes reported by our customers through our support team and proactive fixes from the various Apache community that are deemed important by the Hortonworks engineering team. Maintenance releases are cumulative -- all fixes delivered in HDP 2.3.4 are also in HDP 2.3.6. HDP 2.3.6
  • HDP Patch Level 0 -- patches are provided to one or more customers to address defects and are typically triggered via support cases logged with the Hortonworks support team. Patches are NOT cumulative. Patches are rolled up into maintenance releases and ultimately made available for all customers.
    • Occasionally, a significant defect may be uncovered and because of its critical nature, Hortonworks decides to release a specifically patched version of HDP. This occurred with HDP -- and I'm flagging this because you are on HDP We recommend moving to the patch release or beyond to address these issues. You can see the details in the Release Notes for HDP
  • HDP Build Number -3485 -- The "-####" after the HDP version information is the specific build number that was made available. As we go through the process of pulling code from the various Apache Software Foundation projects and assembling and testing everything together, each release gets a unique build number so that we can identify one set of bits from another. The GA release of HDP was from build 3,485 of the software.

Hope that clarifies things.

I also recommend that you review additional commentary that I posted regarding our release strategy when HDP 2.4 was announced. You may be interested in how this relates to the Major and Minor Versions going forward. We are on the road to HDP 3....