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Ranger Audit DB size?

Master Guru

What is a good recommendation on storage size for ranger audit on oracle. I want to store all hdfs, hbase, hive, and kafka audit created by ranger. I don't see anything on recommended db storage size. We are planning on using solr in the near future, but right now need db size info. any insights?


Rising Star

@Sunile Manjee

This would really depend on the cluster size and the number of jobs running. Very hard to gauge. A 10 node cluster with around 15-20 components can easily generate 1GB of audit logs PER DAY. Again depends on the cluster activity. You could use this as a baseline, but again, really hard to gauge.

Then again consider this only if being forced to use DB and after strongly advising against using DB as oppose to using Solr for ranger audits 🙂

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Super Guru
@Sunile Manjee

I see from HDP 2.5 audit to db support is removed and Solr is the only option to used as Ranger audit. With respect to DB size recommendations i need to check.


Hbase generates large amount of audit logs, so consider that when storing them in audit DB.

Audit to DB support is removed from HDP 2.5, so you should consider Solr sooner rather than later.

Rising Star

@Sunile Manjee

This would really depend on the cluster size and the number of jobs running. Very hard to gauge. A 10 node cluster with around 15-20 components can easily generate 1GB of audit logs PER DAY. Again depends on the cluster activity. You could use this as a baseline, but again, really hard to gauge.

Then again consider this only if being forced to use DB and after strongly advising against using DB as oppose to using Solr for ranger audits 🙂