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Ranger audit to Solr problem

Super Collaborator

Hi guys,

I upgraded HDP from 2.3 to 2.5 (and Ambari to 2.4) using Rolling Upgrade. I want to use Solr as Ranger audit type. To do that I installed Ambari-infra and configured Ranger. I can access Solr UI using hostname:8886. Ambari created ranger audits core during restart, but in ranger UI in audit tab I got an error: "Unable to connect to Audit store !!". Below is my configuration and xa_portal.log.

The command "/usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ --zookeeper-connect-string hadoop3.locald:2181,hadoop2.locald:2181,hadoop1.locald:2181/infra-solr --create-collection --collection ranger_audits --config-set ranger_audits --shards 1 --replication 1 --max-shards 1 --retry 5 --interval 10 --no-sharding" successfully creates a core.

I am using 1 Solr server




Hi @Edgar Daeds

I looked at your log file and it seems that your solr schema is broken or not valid.

at http://myhostname:8886/solr/ranger_audits: sort param field can't be found: evtTime, retry

Could you please delete the collection and its configure. Afterwards, let Ranger re-create the Collection and its configuration.

Delete Collections:

Delete Configuration (delete the collection first!):

1.Log into ZK

zookeeper-client -server <zk server & port>

2.Check what configurations are available

ls /infra-solr/configs

3.Delete configurations related to ranger audits (including the ones you have created). For example:

rmr /infra-solr/configs/ranger_audits

Now let Ranger re-create the Audit collection


View solution in original post


Super Collaborator

@Jonas Straub

It works! Thank you. I tried to delete it before but not using Zookeeper, just Solr admin and then I deleted my core directory.

Where does Solr store ranger audit? Locally in /opt/ambari_infra_solr/data/ranger_audits_shard1_replica1/data I see the data is getting larger and then smaller.


Awesome! Glad it worked 🙂

Yes, the solrconfig for ranger audits is configured to use local storage. You can check the solrconfig.xml (either through zookeeper or Solr UI -> Select Collection in dropdown -> Files -> solrconfig.xml) for the exact path.

Expert Contributor

No ranger_audits

[zk: hadooptest01:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /infra-solr/configs
