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Title | Views | Posted |
16054 | 11-01-2016 08:16 AM | |
11468 | 11-01-2016 07:45 AM | |
9306 | 10-25-2016 09:50 AM | |
2052 | 10-21-2016 03:50 AM | |
4126 | 10-14-2016 03:12 PM |
05:18 AM
Hi @Tony Bolt Did you increase the "sleep time"? Increase the sleep time from 5 to 30 seconds in /opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr/bin/solr sed -i 's/(sleep 5)/(sleep 30)/g'/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr/bin/solr Since all Solr data will be stored in the Hadoop Filesystem, it is important to adjust the time Solr will take to shutdown or "kill" the Solr process (whenever you execute "service solr stop/restart"). If this setting is not adjusted, Solr will try to shutdown the Solr process and because it takes a bit more time when using HDFS, Solr will simply kill the process and most of the time lock the Solr Indexes of your collections. If the index of a collection is locked the following exception is shown after the startup routine "org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Index locked for write" Original article can be found here =>
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07:05 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Tony Bolt how does the <DirectoryFactory> element in your solrconfig.xml look like? Just to make sure, you have uploaded the configuration to the Solr Zookeeper ZNode? Did you try to remove the Collection and all its core folders and try again? Maybe the write.lock is from a previous test and the folders havent been removed properly
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05:16 AM
@Raf Mohammed It looks like your transaction log has some issue and is preventing solr from opening a new searcher. Have you tried to restart solr or issue a manual commit ? Is your HDFS healthy? You could remove the recent transaction logs, which should resolve this issue, however you will loose the most recent ingested data. Got a checksum exception for /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/tlog/tlog.0000000000000000338 at BP-1464254149- from xxxxxxxxx:50010\cell \row .
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08:16 AM
4 Kudos
You can view the content of a flowfile as well as its attributes. For example, RC on a queue and press "List Queue" Afterwards, you can view the details (i-icon, first column) of the individual flow files.
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07:45 AM
4 Kudos
If you have a JSON array with multiple json objects in it, you could try the SplitJson Processor. see this =>
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05:38 AM
@Hoang Le If you have 5 nodes, you can use 2 nodes as Masternodes and 3 as Workernodes (slave nodes).
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05:16 AM
1 Kudo
@Amod Gehlot It looks like you have a problem with your SolrCloud Zookeeper configuration. Overseer cannot talk to ZK Are you storing your Solr Index in HDFS or on local disks? Could you please check your solrcloud configuration especially the ZK Quorum and maybe post the configuration files (solrconfig.xml of the collection, of your solr cloud) Is this a secured environment?
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04:51 AM
@Fang Heart In order to test the connection between the Ranger Solr Plugin and the Ranger service, you can login to the Ranger Admin UI and go to Audit -> Plugins. This will show a list of synchronizations between the Ranger Plugin and Ranger service. You can also check /etc/ranger/<repository name>/policycache/.... and check the timestamp of the policycache json.
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04:48 AM
@Fang Heart 1.I think you can use Ranger Solr Plugin without Kerberos, however kerberos provides the authentication layer and therefore an additional layer of security. 2.Solr itself runs under the solr user, however the users that are allowed to access and manage your solr collections is totally up to you. You can define separate policies for each Solr Collection in Ranger and assign permissions to groups or users 3.Usually, I configure my Solr instances in a way that allows me to use "service solr start" to start my solr cloud. In order to make this work, you have to make sure ZK_HOST is defined in your solr config (
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