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Ranger policy malfunction in kafka


In kafka, I tried to execute consume/publish command with disabled all policies of Ranger, it did not deny both consume/publish behavior. Did I miss any configuration setting of kafka or misunderstanding something else?



Here are some steps of enable ranger for kafka and works fine with HDP2.3.4 and Ranger 0.5.0:

1.) Enable kerberos server for cluster.

2.) In Ambari server, go to Kafka`s Configs > Advanced ranger-kafka-plugin-properties , click "Enable Ranger for Kafka".

3.) Go to Configs > Custom kafka-broker , change value of "" to "org.apache.ranger.authorization.kafka.authorizer.RangerKafkaAuthorizer".

4.) Save changes and restart kafka component.

5.) Go to Ranger admin UI, then disable all policies of kafka.

6.) It should be deny Publish/Consume actions now.

View solution in original post


New Contributor

I am having similar issue

We have non Kerberiozed Hadoop Kafka environment . I am testing integrating Ranger Kafak to secure the environment.

HDP Version: HDP-

This is what I did.

-- Enables Kafka plugin in Ranger.

-- Restarted Ranger

-- Create following policies in Ranger ( see the image ) ( Important : Added group Public left policy condition blank )

-- Logged in to server 21 to Produce and consume message's

-- I was able to produce and consume messages from any server .

What we want is to secure our Kafka environment through ranger by ip address. I understand that the identity of client user over a non-secure channel is not possible.

I followed the following article to secure or Kafka environment.

Please let me know what I am missing.
