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Reading/ analysing Json file with about 1TB size in Spark/ HDInisght Kafka cluster

New Contributor

I would like to analyze a big data (0.9 TB after unzipping) in a cluster with 14 nodes and 39 cores (Azure HDInsight/Kafka). But it's very slow. Here what I do:


1. Data is downloaded from here.

2. val data = ---- it crashes. Data are stored in HDFS. 

3. val rdd = sc.textFile(path) ... then rdd.count() .... also crashes

4. rdd.take(10) , ... these are ok

5. It was not possible to unzip the file; I read it with data.json.gz

Any suggestion? How I can read it with json reader?




@Maryam While we welcome your question, you would be much more likely to obtain a useful answer if you posted this to the the appropriate forum for Microsoft Azure Hdinsight.



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@Maryam While we welcome your question, you would be much more likely to obtain a useful answer if you posted this to the the appropriate forum for Microsoft Azure Hdinsight.



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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