Created 02-18-2016 11:51 AM
I want to delete one column to Hive table, my table is like that:
CREATE TABLE journey_v4( CODTF string, CODNRBEENF string, FECHAOPRCNF timestamp, FRECUENCIA int) PARTITIONED BY (year string,month string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' stored as Avro TBLPROPERTIES ("immutable"="false","avro.compress"="zlib","immutable"="false");
and then i added new column:
ALTER TABLE journey_v4 ADD COLUMNS (EXTRA string);
then i want to delete de column EXTRA to go back to the original table, but it doesnt have effect
Anny suggestions????
Created 02-18-2016 11:57 AM
@Roberto Sancho can't be dropped , you can create a new table from select query without the extra column using CTAS or 'Create table as select'
Altering and Dropping Tables
Table names can be changed and columns can be added or replaced:
hive> ALTER TABLE events RENAME TO 3koobecaf; hive> ALTER TABLE pokes ADD COLUMNS (new_col INT); hive> ALTER TABLE invites ADD COLUMNS (new_col2 INT COMMENT 'a comment'); hive> ALTER TABLE invites REPLACE COLUMNS (foo INT, bar STRING, baz INT COMMENT 'baz replaces new_col2');
Note that REPLACE COLUMNS replaces all existing columns and only changes the table's schema, not the data. The table must use a native SerDe. REPLACE COLUMNS can also be used to drop columns from the table's schema:
hive> ALTER TABLE invites REPLACE COLUMNS (foo INT COMMENT 'only keep the first column');
Created 02-18-2016 11:57 AM
@Roberto Sancho can't be dropped , you can create a new table from select query without the extra column using CTAS or 'Create table as select'
Altering and Dropping Tables
Table names can be changed and columns can be added or replaced:
hive> ALTER TABLE events RENAME TO 3koobecaf; hive> ALTER TABLE pokes ADD COLUMNS (new_col INT); hive> ALTER TABLE invites ADD COLUMNS (new_col2 INT COMMENT 'a comment'); hive> ALTER TABLE invites REPLACE COLUMNS (foo INT, bar STRING, baz INT COMMENT 'baz replaces new_col2');
Note that REPLACE COLUMNS replaces all existing columns and only changes the table's schema, not the data. The table must use a native SerDe. REPLACE COLUMNS can also be used to drop columns from the table's schema:
hive> ALTER TABLE invites REPLACE COLUMNS (foo INT COMMENT 'only keep the first column');
Created 02-18-2016 01:13 PM
Yes i know, for that reason after drop and create I dont know why the table is empty, because the files are there.
Created 02-18-2016 01:16 PM
must be a spelling mistake or something? I noticed your table is named journey_v4_externa with no l. @Roberto Sancho
Created 02-18-2016 12:27 PM
i create external table:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE journey_v4_externa( CODTF string, CODNRBEENF string, FECHAOPRCNF timestamp, FRECUENCIA int) PARTITIONED BY (year string,month string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' stored as Avro LOCATION '/user/dangulo/tables_pig' TBLPROPERTIES ("immutable"="false","avro.compress"="zlib");
then insert the date, then y drop the table, but the files still in HDFS and the i RE-create the table but the table is empty, what can i do to insert the data again???
Created 02-18-2016 01:06 PM
@Roberto Sancho the Hive DDL just changes schema, it does not affect data on disk.
Created 02-18-2016 02:36 PM
I mean the files are here:
And the table that i create was like this:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE journey_v4_externa( CODTF string, CODNRBEENF string, FECHAOPRCNF timestamp, FRECUENCIA int) PARTITIONED BY (year string,month string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' stored as Avro LOCATION '/user/dangulo/tables_pig' TBLPROPERTIES ("immutable"="false","avro.compress"="zlib");
so, i dont know why there is not data into the table.
Created 02-23-2016 02:34 AM
@Roberto Sancho what was your solution?
Created 02-22-2018 11:14 AM
Run below command, data will be visible in table
msck repair table <table_name>;