Created 07-28-2017 09:50 AM
Currently I running only one Thrift server on my cluster.
I see if I have many client connections, Spark run very slow.
I find the solution for this and I see the doc:
It said: Deploying the Thrift server on multiple hosts increases scalability of the Thrift server; the number of hosts should take into consideration the cluster capacity allocated to Spark.
So If I deploy more Thrift server on my cluster, Can I handle multiple concurrent client connections ? If not, how to I can handle this issue ?.
And other question, Can I running two Spark apps with different configure on each?
Created 08-02-2017 05:05 AM
I think what that post is saying is while there is not yet a load balancing solution for STS on a secure cluster, in a non-Kerberos environment any external load balancer, like haproxy, or httpd +mod_jk can be used to distribute requests. The Thrift servers will be independent (no Zk coordination) and the load balancer will simply round robin client requests.
Created 07-29-2017 10:06 AM
I think you need load balancing for Spark Thrift servers.
Why don't you refer this link?
Created 07-31-2017 02:49 AM
I refer that link suggest, but I can not see any guide to solve my issue.
Best answer saild :
So for now... no load balancing for STS if the cluster is kerberized, otherwise haproxy, httpd +mod_jk or any other load balancer will probably do the work.
P/S: Currently, my cluster do not enable kerberrized
Created 08-02-2017 05:05 AM
I think what that post is saying is while there is not yet a load balancing solution for STS on a secure cluster, in a non-Kerberos environment any external load balancer, like haproxy, or httpd +mod_jk can be used to distribute requests. The Thrift servers will be independent (no Zk coordination) and the load balancer will simply round robin client requests.
Created 08-03-2017 01:30 AM
So I need use third party service like Haproxy to running Thrift server load balancing on HDP
Created 08-03-2017 03:30 AM
yes, that is my understanding.