I am using Rstudio and I need to save some tables in my sandbox, however I cannot specify the location, because by default we send the tables to the path: hdfs: //haprod/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/cld_ml_bi_eng.db/iris How can I specify the location when writing the table is in the LOCATION '/sandbox/CLD_ML_BI_ENG/iris'
con_Hive <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "Hive_produccion", database = "cld_ml_bi_eng", encoding = "latin1")
colnames(iris) <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = colnames(iris))
dbWriteTable(conn = con_Hive, name = Id(schema = "cld_ml_bi_eng", table = "iris"), value = iris)
LOCATION '/sandbox/CLD_ML_BI_ENG/iris'