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SSL for cloudera manager



I'm setting up new cluster for educational purposes and configuring SSL using case 2 "Enabling Auto-TLS with an intermediate CA signed by an existing Root CA ", I just installed cloudera manager and enabled the kerbros using Free IPA & created the certificates using JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk /opt/cloudera/cm-agent/bin/certmanager setup --configure-services --stop-at-csr. But when I sign the csr from the IPA server I got the attached error,, Any help please

Note: I'm using the user that automatically created by cloudera manager when setting the kerbros as principle, for more info >>  Step 3: Create the Kerberos Principal for Cloudera Manager Server | CDP Private Cloud

Screenshot 2023-09-14 084046.png


Super Collaborator

hi, @JobBranwl not sure how free IPA works, but it looks like whichever user you are using to generate this cart does not match the certificate CommanName i.e., CN. You might need to check on that part.