Created 07-12-2017 06:24 PM
I am loading file in hive, using this query & getting above error.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/user/maria_dev/timesheet.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE practice;
Created 07-12-2017 07:44 PM
Check the permissions on the folder.
The user that is running the query should have access to the folder/file.
Permission can be hive:hdfs if you are running as hive.
Easy way to test is:
sudo su hive
head user/maria_dev/timesheet.csv
Also you can test it out by placing the file in the /tmp folder and giving it read permission.
Created 07-12-2017 07:44 PM
Check the permissions on the folder.
The user that is running the query should have access to the folder/file.
Permission can be hive:hdfs if you are running as hive.
Easy way to test is:
sudo su hive
head user/maria_dev/timesheet.csv
Also you can test it out by placing the file in the /tmp folder and giving it read permission.
Created 07-13-2017 07:36 AM
I checked that there is access issue. Then how can give access to hive user ?
Created 07-13-2017 03:54 PM
You can use
chmod -R 755 /user/maria_dev
And if you do not want to open up permission on the maria_dev folder,
You can either place the file on /tmp with 755 permission or create another directory that is owned by hive:hdfs and place your file there.
Another option is placing the file under /user/hive which anyways has the permission.