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Simple hive query on small dataset taking over an hour to compute on small file
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Apache Hadoop
Apache Hive
Created 08-22-2018 05:15 PM
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Can please let me know why my Hive query is taking such a long time?
The query:
SELECT DISTINCT res_falg as n FROM my_table
took ~75 mins to complete
The query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table WHERE res_flag = 1;
took 73 minutes to complete
The table is stored on HDFS (replicated on 4 nodes) as a CSV and is only 100MB in size. It has 6 columns, the types are VARCHAR or TINYINT. The column I'm querying has NAs. It is an external table.
My hive query is running as a Tez job on YARN using 26 cores and ~120 GB of memory. I am not using LLAP.
Any idea what's going on? I'm on HDP 3.0.
I imported the csv into hdfs using the following command:
hdfs dfs -Ddfs.replication=4 -put '/mounted/path/to/file.csv' /dir/file.csv
I used these commands to create the table in Hive:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_table ( svcpt_id VARCHAR(50), start_date VARCHAR(8), end_date VARCHAR(8), prem_id VARCHAR(20), res_flag TINYINT, num_prem_id TINYINT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' stored as textfile LOCATION 'hdfs://ncienspk01/APS'; <br>LOAD DATA INPATH '/dir/file.csv' into table my_table;
Created 09-10-2018 01:50 PM
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Try setting the parameters before running the query. Play with
set mapred.min.split.size=100000000; and max.split.size for optimal performance.
set hive.input.format=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.CombineHiveInputFormat;
set mapred.min.split.size=100000000;