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Solr 5.5 Solr Exception Error opening new searcher (NiFi Flow)


Hi - Solr 5.5 was working fine with NiFi, until I restarted my VM. Now when I start Nifi and Solr, I get the following message in Solr:

tweets_shard1_replica1: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error opening new searcher

I'm attaching the complete solr log. Please can someone help?

Thank Youtweets-shard1-replica1.txt


Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed I recreated your error and tested it, although I was not using HDFS, which should not be any different. To delete the corrupt collection you can do these steps.

I recommend shutting down Solr and HDFS gracefully to avoid index corruption. Also, you can create backup copies if you want to recover in the future. Having replicas will also probably help with this situation.

View solution in original post


Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed - Click on the "Cloud" icon in the Admin console and your collection should not appear in the graph (or there will be no graph if there are no collections at all). If that's the case, then yes, you can recreate the collection now. It will create the directories it needs.


screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-184319.png@james.jones I restarted solr and opened the UI, and to my astonishment not only had the error message gone but the tweets_shard1_replica1 was still there! So I fired up NiFi and started the twitter flow and to my surprise everything is back to normal! (and I didn't have to create a new collection) see the attachments. btw i'm not sure whether this is related but now hiveserver2 is stopped so when i go to start it, it starts and then instantly stops again? Can't thank you enough! screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-181744.png

Super Collaborator

I'm glad it worked! You might want to post something on HCC about your Hive issue. However, the way to figure out what is wrong is to look carefully at the logs. Of course, you can see Some logs in Ambari from the restart, but also, go look in Ambari to figure out which sub-component is not running (or all). Then go look on that host at /var/log for the component's logs. For example, /var/log/hive/ or /var/log/hive-catalog. Do an ls -ltr on the directory and find at all of the most recent files (both ending in .log and .out). Look carefully near the bottom of those files for errors and clues. Good luck.


@james.jones Thanks for the advice!