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Solr 5.5 Solr Exception Error opening new searcher (NiFi Flow)


Hi - Solr 5.5 was working fine with NiFi, until I restarted my VM. Now when I start Nifi and Solr, I get the following message in Solr:

tweets_shard1_replica1: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error opening new searcher

I'm attaching the complete solr log. Please can someone help?

Thank Youtweets-shard1-replica1.txt


Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed I recreated your error and tested it, although I was not using HDFS, which should not be any different. To delete the corrupt collection you can do these steps.

I recommend shutting down Solr and HDFS gracefully to avoid index corruption. Also, you can create backup copies if you want to recover in the future. Having replicas will also probably help with this situation.

View solution in original post


Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed - Assuming your index is stored in HDFS rather than the local file system where Solr is running:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /solr/DELETEME_core_node1 
hdfs dfs -mv /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/tlog/tlog.* /solr/DELETEME_core_node1

When you're ready to delete the files, run this command:

hdfs dfs -rm -r /solr/DELETEME_core_node1


@james.jones I managed to run those commands without any issues, however when restarting Solr, I'm still getting the same error 😞

29/11/2016, 22:16:42WARNnullNativeCodeLoaderUnable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
29/11/2016, 22:16:44WARNnullBlockReaderFactoryI/O error constructing remote block reader.
29/11/2016, 22:16:44WARNnullDFSClientConnection failure: Failed to connect to / for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g for block Got error for OP_READ_BLOCK, self=/, remote=/, for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g, for pool BP-1464254149- block 1073759485_18671
29/11/2016, 22:16:44WARNnullDFSClientDFS chooseDataNode: got # 1 IOException, will wait for 673.6703523877359 msec.
29/11/2016, 22:16:45WARNnullBlockReaderFactoryI/O error constructing remote block reader.
29/11/2016, 22:16:45WARNnullDFSClientConnection failure: Failed to connect to / for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g for block Got error for OP_READ_BLOCK, self=/, remote=/, for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g, for pool BP-1464254149- block 1073759485_18671
29/11/2016, 22:16:45WARNnullDFSClientDFS chooseDataNode: got # 2 IOException, will wait for 6501.220629185886 msec.
29/11/2016, 22:16:52WARNnullBlockReaderFactoryI/O error constructing remote block reader.
29/11/2016, 22:16:52WARNnullDFSClientConnection failure: Failed to connect to / for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g for block Got error for OP_READ_BLOCK, self=/, remote=/, for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g, for pool BP-1464254149- block 1073759485_18671
29/11/2016, 22:16:52WARNnullDFSClientDFS chooseDataNode: got # 3 IOException, will wait for 6947.415060544425 msec.
29/11/2016, 22:16:59WARNnullBlockReaderFactoryI/O error constructing remote block reader.
29/11/2016, 22:16:59WARNnullDFSClientConnection failure: Failed to connect to / for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g for block Got error for OP_READ_BLOCK, self=/, remote=/, for file /solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g, for pool BP-1464254149- block 1073759485_18671
29/11/2016, 22:16:59WARNnullDFSClientCould not obtain block: BP-1464254149- file=/solr/tweets/core_node1/data/index/segments_9g No live nodes contain current block Block locations: Dead nodes: Throwing a BlockMissingException
29/11/2016, 22:17:00ERRORnullCoreContainerError creating core [tweets_shard1_replica1]: Error opening new searcher
29/11/2016, 22:17:00ERRORnullCoreContainer

Error waiting for SolrCore to be created

Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed - Also, if you really don't care about the data you can also delete the collection and then recreate it again:



@james.jones Thanks, I ran that command, but didn't get a confirmation message to say it's deleted, when i re-enter the command it doesn't tell me that it no longer exists. am i missing something?


Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed - it looks like something is bad wrong with your HDFS.

So about deleting the collection, I don't recall, but you should be able to look in Solr at the collections and it should be gone. Also if you try to recreate the collection it should tell you that it already exists if it was not deleted. I don't recall if the data will be deleted when the collection is deleted but I think it is.


@james.jones - Not sure what else to try, maybe i'm not deleting it from the correct path?

[solr@sandbox root]$ /opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr/bin/solr create -c tweets -d tweet_configs -s 1 -rf 1 -p 8983

Connecting to ZooKeeper at ...

Re-using existing configuration directory tweets


Collection 'tweets' already exists!

Checked collection existence using Collections API command:


screen-shot-2016-11-29-at-224034.png Here's what my Solr UI looks like right now. There must be away to force Solr to overlook this...

Super Collaborator

@Raf Mohammed I recreated your error and tested it, although I was not using HDFS, which should not be any different. To delete the corrupt collection you can do these steps.

I recommend shutting down Solr and HDFS gracefully to avoid index corruption. Also, you can create backup copies if you want to recover in the future. Having replicas will also probably help with this situation.


@james.jones I got up to step for, but can't proceed due to: [root@sandbox ~]# -bash: http://localhost:8984/solr/admin/collections?action=DELETE: No such file or directory

Would I be ok to recreate the collection?