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Solr is not starting

Champion Alumni

Hi ,

CDH 4.6 and CM 4.8.2  and search 1.2 is installed in my  cluster.The installation has been through parcels.I am able to start hbase,map reduce .hdfs etc .But solr service is not getting started.I am getting the below error.Dowe know the reason and how to over come it?.


Error found before invoking supervisord: User [solr] does not exist



I'm not sure why the user wouldn't have been created, but I know you're dealing with an offline cluster so maybe something else in the parcel installation didn't work as expected.  The error seems pretty clear, though, you need the "solr" user on your systems.  Have you tried manually creating that user and seeing if that helps?

View solution in original post


Champion Alumni
The error message in manager GUI says to check the logs in

mydomain:9000/process/303-solr-SOLR_SERVER/files/logs/stderr.log.How ever when there is no such file present in file system.I do not even see the directory 303-solr-SOLR_SERVER.

Champion Alumni
Just so thay you have more information on this:
I am facing this issue when trying to start the solr service.Please please help.


I'm not sure why the user wouldn't have been created, but I know you're dealing with an offline cluster so maybe something else in the parcel installation didn't work as expected.  The error seems pretty clear, though, you need the "solr" user on your systems.  Have you tried manually creating that user and seeing if that helps?

Champion Alumni
Hey Clint,

Thanks man.I did create the solr user and installation worked.I am trying to figure out why it did not create the user.