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Solr on HDF

Expert Contributor


Do you recommend installing Solr on HDF (2.1)? if yes, what use cases could be applicable?




Super Collaborator

If you mean Solr on HDFS, the answer is "it depends." If you have a high number of frequent updates to your index, I usually recommend local storage. On the other hand, if your updates are more batch, and not a constant stream, then using HDFS is a convenient option.

If you mean installing Solr on HDF, the only supported option and use case is installing Ambari Infra. The Ambari Infra component is Solr under the covers, but it is only supported for use with HDP and HDF components such as Ranger for User Audit records. There's no support to use Ambari Infra for indexing your own data.

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Super Guru

@Sanaz Janbakhsh

SOLR on HDF or SOLR on HDFS. As for SOLR on HDFS, the answer is yes. We do provide support for it through our partnership with Lucidworks. Since you are starting new, I suggest you use either HDP 2.5.5 or HDP 2.6.0 (later update to a maintenance release):

Super Collaborator

If you mean Solr on HDFS, the answer is "it depends." If you have a high number of frequent updates to your index, I usually recommend local storage. On the other hand, if your updates are more batch, and not a constant stream, then using HDFS is a convenient option.

If you mean installing Solr on HDF, the only supported option and use case is installing Ambari Infra. The Ambari Infra component is Solr under the covers, but it is only supported for use with HDP and HDF components such as Ranger for User Audit records. There's no support to use Ambari Infra for indexing your own data.