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Spark executor default ssl truststore

Expert Contributor


I'm trying to run a spark job for which all executors have to call a secured (HTTPS) web service on a dedicated server. During SSL handshake, this server returns a certificate that has been signed by a private (company specific) CA.

The certificate of this CA has been added to a custom truststore (cacert) that I would like to point to in spark configuration in order for the executors to validate server's certificates without any extra configuration.

I know that I can pass following option to my spark-submit command line :

"--conf "<MyCaCert><MyPassword>"

...but I would like to avoid asking this to all our users (because they are not supposed to know where this trustore is located and its password).

I tried to use the "ssl.client.truststore.location" property as described in but it didn't change anything.

Obviously spark does not use this configuration ?

Do you guys know how is configured the default truststore used by spark executors ?

Any help will be highly appreciated 🙂




Expert Contributor

If I understand properly, this configuration is used by spark to secure data exhanges between the nodes, but my use case is slightly different : my executor runs custom java code that performs a call to an HTTPS server and in that context, the SSL handshake relies on the default truststore of the JVM instead of the one I configured with my own CA certificate...Maybe that's not possible and the only way to achieve this is to use the properties I mentionned previously...

Thanks for your help

New Contributor

Hello, I have the same problem. Any updates?

Thanks !