Created 06-16-2016 10:09 PM
Hi Guys ,,,for some reason I installed the SPARK on my cluster manually then I realized this can be done thru AMbari it is already running ..I want to add that component to Ambari how can we do without uninstalling the spark ..
Created 06-16-2016 11:07 PM
This is a loaded question. It depends on the version of Spark you installed, the version of Ambari, the version of HDP, whether you want to use the power of YARN, keep track of configuration changes (keep in mind that Ambari provides configuration management, integration with dashboards etc). It can get complex. Hortonworks does not support this approach. You must a have a serious reason to not use "Add Service" from Ambari to install your new Spark cluster and willing to deal with all these complexities. You should save your Spark configurations and replicate them within Ambari. If you still want to explore the options, please be more specific in versions of the above, plus use of YARN, plus topology of the Spark cluster you installed (multi-node?)
Created 06-16-2016 11:07 PM
This is a loaded question. It depends on the version of Spark you installed, the version of Ambari, the version of HDP, whether you want to use the power of YARN, keep track of configuration changes (keep in mind that Ambari provides configuration management, integration with dashboards etc). It can get complex. Hortonworks does not support this approach. You must a have a serious reason to not use "Add Service" from Ambari to install your new Spark cluster and willing to deal with all these complexities. You should save your Spark configurations and replicate them within Ambari. If you still want to explore the options, please be more specific in versions of the above, plus use of YARN, plus topology of the Spark cluster you installed (multi-node?)
Created 06-20-2016 05:10 PM
Just after this discussion I noticed I am using Amabari 1.7 where there is no Spark instalation
Created 06-17-2016 02:22 AM
You can leave that old Spark.
But it's best to install via Ambari and used the supported version on YARN.
Shut down the old one or use it for standalone purposes