Created 10-10-2016 08:46 AM
After upgrading HPD to 2.5 all our Sqoop jobs that imports "as-avrodatafile" fails with
FATAL [main] org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild: Error running child : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.avro.reflect.ReflectData.addLogicalTypeConversion(Lorg/apache/avro/Conversion;)V at org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.AvroOutputFormat.getRecordWriter( at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask$NewDirectOutputCollector.<init>( at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper( at at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild$ at Method) at at at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild.main(
Sqoop depends on avro version 1.8.0 (which does have that method) and I guess that the problem could be due to the presence of avro versions 1.7.4 (hbase) and 1.7.5 (hive).
Please, is there a way to make yarn use version 1.8.0 instead of 1.7.x in case that is the problem?
Created 10-10-2016 10:30 AM
This is actually a known issue, and there is a Jira for a documentation bug to get this fixed in a later HDP release. Sqoop uses 1.8.0 of avro and there are other Hadoop components using 1.7.5 or 1.7.4 avro. Please add the following property after 'import': -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true Example: sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true --connect jdbc:db2://xxx:60000/VKTXAP02 --username xx -password-alias xx --as-avrodatafile --target-dir xx/data/test --fields-terminated-by '\001' --table xx -m 1
Created 10-10-2016 10:30 AM
This is actually a known issue, and there is a Jira for a documentation bug to get this fixed in a later HDP release. Sqoop uses 1.8.0 of avro and there are other Hadoop components using 1.7.5 or 1.7.4 avro. Please add the following property after 'import': -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true Example: sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true --connect jdbc:db2://xxx:60000/VKTXAP02 --username xx -password-alias xx --as-avrodatafile --target-dir xx/data/test --fields-terminated-by '\001' --table xx -m 1
Created 10-10-2016 11:05 AM
Thank you very much, with -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true works like a charm!
Created 04-19-2017 02:02 PM
I'm getting this same error , but when trying to call swoop export. The -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true is not valid for export. Does anyone know how to resolve this similar issue but for exports. (I'm running HDP 2.6)
Created 04-19-2017 02:46 PM
Sorry, never mind -- I didn't realize that the -D parameters must appear before other params. I added it as my first param and it worked like a charm.
Created 01-05-2020 07:07 AM
this solution is not working for please tell me where I am going wrong
sqoop-import -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true \
--connect="jdbc:mysql://quickstart.cloudera:3306/retail_db" \
--username retail_dba \
--password cloudera \
--table=departments \
--hive-import \
--target-dir=/departments \