Created 01-24-2021 10:03 PM
WARN curator.CuratorZookeeperClient: session timeout [10000] is less than connection timeout [15000] ERROR client.ServiceClient: Error on destroy 'llap0': not found. Failed: For component llap with TARBALL artifact, path does not exist: .yarn/package/LLAP/llap-25Jan2021.tar.gz java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: For component llap with TARBALL artifact, path does not exist: .yarn/package/LLAP/llap-25Jan2021.tar.gz at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.provider.tarball.TarballClientProvider.validateArtifact( at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.utils.ServiceApiUtil.validateComponent( at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.utils.ServiceApiUtil.validateAndResolveService( at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.client.ServiceClient.actionCreate( at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.client.ServiceClient.actionLaunch( at org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.cli.LlapSliderUtils.startCluster( at at org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.cli.LlapServiceDriver.main(
Created 01-24-2021 11:39 PM
@bigdataNico It's a known issue with the cloudbreak deployment. Kindly refer the "Known issues: Data lake" section in the below document.
Created 01-24-2021 11:49 PM
First of all, thank you for your help.
But I can't find the folder of "user / hive /. Yard / package / LLAP" on the machine
I use ambari 2.7.4 hdp-
Created on 01-25-2021 03:29 AM - edited 01-25-2021 03:32 AM
You have to delete the files from HDFS use this command::hdfs dfs -rm -rf /user/hive/.yarn/package/LLAP
After the deleting run the below commands::
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/hive/.yarn/package/LLAP
hdfs dfs -chown hive:hadoop /user/hive/.yarn/package/LLAP
hdfs dfs -chmod 755 /user/hive/.yarn/package/LLAP
Restart the Hiveserver2 after executing these commands.