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Tez UI in HDP2.6

Expert Contributor

I am using hdp2.6 and would like to properly use Tez UI.

The tez view is available, if I go there I see queries, can click on a query id and follow to the dag ID, but I do not have all I expect.

  • DAG Details and DAG Counters look good.
  • Graphical View tells me: Data not available to display graphical view! No vertex data found in YARN Timeline Server.
  • All Vertices, All Tasks and All Task Attempts tell me: No records available!
  • Vertex Swimlane tells me: Data not available to display swimlane! No vertex data found in YARN Timeline Server.

I have seen the documentation relative to the manual install of HDP, saying to download a war file, but I do not believe this is what I should be doing here as I am using the ambari install from the cluster.

tez.tez-ui.history-url.base is http://$ambari_ip:8080/#/main/view/TEZ/tez_cluster_instance which is indeed the URL where I can reach the tez view.

Is there anything obvious I could have forgotten?


Master Mentor

@Guillaume Roger

1. Please check if the parameter '' value is set to * (not blank)

Ambari UI -> MapReduce2 -> Configs -> Advanced tez-site -->  Add --> = *

2. Also please check if the value of "" in yarn-site.xml is set to "org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.ats.TimelineCachePluginImpl"

3. Also for MR jobs please check if the property is set correctlt "mapreduce.job.acl-view-job"

Ambari UI -> MapReduce2 -> Configs -> Add -->  mapreduce.job.acl-view-job = *

4. Is this a kerberized Cluster?

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Guillaume Roger

1. Please check if the parameter '' value is set to * (not blank)

Ambari UI -> MapReduce2 -> Configs -> Advanced tez-site -->  Add --> = *

2. Also please check if the value of "" in yarn-site.xml is set to "org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.ats.TimelineCachePluginImpl"

3. Also for MR jobs please check if the property is set correctlt "mapreduce.job.acl-view-job"

Ambari UI -> MapReduce2 -> Configs -> Add -->  mapreduce.job.acl-view-job = *

4. Is this a kerberized Cluster?

Expert Contributor

1) was ok, 2) and 3) were not good and no it's not a kerberized cluster.

After the fixes you suggested it all seems to work as expected. Thanks a million!