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Unable to create Sqoop Connection Link in Hue


Hello People,


I am unable to create Sqoop Connection Link in Hue. The error that i get when i hit on Save button is: "Can't connect to the database with given credentials: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server."

Since I am using the default Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.8 mysql login credentials this is not an issue related to credentials. Kindly let me know where i have gone wrong.. Attached is the screenshot of the error i get:SqoopConnectorLinkSqoopConnectorLink





Make sure you have mysql-connector-java.jar


By default it is available under /usr/share/java


I have the connector mysql-connector-java.jar in the default path /usr/share/java as seen in the attached screenshot. I have even set the permissions to 777 but still face the same error. Could version be an issue here? SqoopConnectorLink_ClouderaQVM.PNG






Might be... I am not sure about the suitable version for your environment


If you are planning to get another version of mysql-connector then 

1. Do not remove/delete the old version of mysql-connector

2. Downaload the new version of mysql-connector, Unzip/untar, move it to /usr/share/java

3. Delete only the link referring to the old version and Create a new link referring to the new version

4. Restart the hive service via CM


For more details

Thanks a lot for the above steps, i really was wondering how i should install different version of connector.. I'll soon follow the steps and inform the results. 🙂