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Unable to initiate Hortonworks Sandbox session in the browser or PuTTY SSH

New Contributor
Hello all,
I am really hoping that someone in this community can lead me out of my Sandbox HDP installation misery.  I've spent 3 whole days of troubleshooting and I am still unable to simply initiate Hortonworks Sandbox session in the browser or via PuTTY SSH.  I am extremely frustrated and mentally exhausted right now.  Anyway, here's are some details:
  1. Host OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
  2. VM OS: Red Hat (64-bit) - came standard with installation
  3. Oracle Virtualbox 6.1.16
  4. Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5
  5. Allocated RAM: 8192 MB (total host RAM: 16 GB)
  6. Allocated Processors: 4 (total host processors/cores: 8 or 16)
  7. Network: Bridged Adapter (recommended/required per Cloudera's related documentation
  8. Also added the following line to a file per Cloudera's related documentation/product support:
  9. File location and name: c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  10. Line added: localhost
  11. Checked my browser's firewall setting: No hurdles, no issues
  12. Tried all three leading browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox
  13. Tried various ports in the browser:,,, even
  14. PuTTY SSH didn't solve my issue either.
  15. Called Cloudera's support line a few times, followed discussions on many online forums such as Stackoverflow, watched YouTube videos, but couldn't find exact solution that would work.
  16. Completely uninstalled and re-installed Oracle Virtualbox and Hortonworks Sandbox HDP 2.6.5 three times without any progress (downloading and installing a 15.7 GB package 3 times is not a joke).
  17. I also tried using the HDP 2.5 version, but with the exact same outcome (unable to connect).
  18. Just to be clear, I do have uninterrupted, high-speed cable internet that works reliably.
None of my efforts has worked.  I have spent many hours researching and trying to solve this issue.  Any meaningful response (other than "Just follow the instructions and you will get there without any problem") will be greatly appreciated.
I am dying to learn about the Hadoop ecosystem.  But without proper installation, I can't even start.  Thank you in advance for your timely response.


@donno you wrote:

I am still unable to simply initiate Hortonworks Sandbox session in the browser or via PuTTY SSH

We will be able to help you if can provide us more details such as what is happening, what is failing, what error message you are seeing, or how you know that the Sandbox session is not initiating. Meanwhile, if you are able to log into Ambari via the browser but the services can't be started, (as shown in Ambari), you might consult this thread:

unable to start service from hdp sandbox 2.6.5




Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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Master Mentor


I know how frustrating it is. I have just downloaded a fresh image of HDP 2.6.5  unpacked the image and performed the classic steps all all is looks fine I hope you a step that you might have missed. 

Here we go.

Sandbox settings, Memory, CPU, Network I enabled on Bridged Adapter as my laptop is connected to my LAN a class C network


Uncompressed the HDP  2.6.5 image and on successful extraction, I get the IP and URL with my local IP




My Local hosts file



Reset the root  default is root/hadoop and Ambari admin passwords this automatically starts the Ambari server

After the successful start-up of Ambari I can now access the Ambari UI using my local LAN IP
All service is up  and you can see the Ambari and HDP versions

I have  demo'ed this 100's of time in here I hope you get successful and happy ending 

Happy hadooping


I am with you too.  I am able to get the Hortonworks 2.5 version working without any problem.  Others versions after 2.5 are consistently behaving the same way.


The VM itself comes up fine - with the splash screen.   When I try connecting to this VM using the browser and the URLs (have tried various combinations, localhost, specific IP address, ports 4200,1000,1080, etc), the connection is unsuccessful.


I can get to the command prompt using the Alt+Fn_F5 screen.  I can login successfully with the root/hadoop combination.  It does not ask me to change the password the first time I login.  


From within this shell, almost no command works.  I have tried

1. ifconfig

2. hadoop version

3. hive

and a host of others.  A command not found message is what greets me.


From going through many articles, I understand, the later versions of the VM (after 2.5) are running these deamons inside a doctor and we have to connect to it?  I tried running a few "docker" commands and based on my little research, find that there is no docker container running inside this VM, at least by default.


I am stuck.


Any help is appreciated.


