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Unable to install my cluster. I get this error : Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks




I spend more than 2 days trying to install a new cluster with installation scripts. Since it wasn't working (I always get the error "Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks"), I try to reinstall all manually.


But even when I do it manually I am still getting the same error :


Start Hive
Completed only 0/1 steps. First failure: Could not create process: com.cloudera.cmf.service.config.ConfigGenException: Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks


It drive me completly crazy... I didn't find a lot of help on the net, only 2 relevent articles :


=> from the Cloudera Knowledge database :


So I have checked my java version (By the way, I am aware of the java bug if I use the java oracle JDK 1.8 121, So I use the Java oracle 1.8  111 version).


here is the java -version result :


java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)


here is the rpm installed :




And I am getting the same error when I try to launch Hive, Oozie or Hue.


=> And from apache website : 


it seams to be something about SSL.


So what can I do please ? I don't find any other thing about this file creds.localjceks.


Have you a clue please ?










I answer to myself : it was coming from the schema. On postgreSQL the table wasn't existing. So after recreating the table, it was working.





View solution in original post


The creds.localjceks is a Java Keystore. These are using to store SSL certificates and keys with their passwords but they are also used to store database password more securely than having them in plain text in the configuration file. It seems that it can't create this for either HUE or Hive.

Can you clarify were in the installation is this failing? You mention installation scripts and running it manually but this is in the CM board. Is CM installed but you can add a new cluster? Or are you not able to install CM and the agents?

If this is through CM, is it running as root or another account? When running it manually, do you have root privileges?




Yes script was running. CM is installed, I was able to add a new cluster, to add new services, the agent are installed and configured and they are able to talk with CM. But once my services are installed, they are unable to start (not all of them). But Hue, Hive Metastore, Oozie and Sentry are unable to start due to the same error :


Role failed to start due to error com.cloudera.cmf.service.config.ConfigGenException: Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks.


And I get this error when I install it trought the scripts or manually. And yes CM is running as root. When I say I do it manually, I was saying I was doing it without script, so with CM wizard, so it is not completly manually. And CM run as root, so this is not a right concern.


Do it help to target the problem ?




I answer to myself : it was coming from the schema. On postgreSQL the table wasn't existing. So after recreating the table, it was working.





New Contributor

Hey, I have got the same problem. I have installed external db MySql instead of  embedded Postgresql. I need to know that about which table you are talking? my Metastore server is stopped and gives the following error.


Could not create process: com.cloudera.cmf.service.config.ConfigGenException: Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks


Role Log says following error.


4:55:22.240 PMWARNObjectStore
[pool-5-thread-12]: Failed to get database cloudera_manager_metastore_canary_test_db_hive_HIVEMETASTORE_76ba12f0572a8224b22b6ce00e2d92da, returning NoSuchObjectException

Can you please help me out with this problem?