I am trying to set up SPARK2 on my cloudera cluster. For that, I have JDK1.8:
I have installed scala 2.11.8 using the rpm file:
I have downloaded, extracted the spark version 2.2.0 on my home directory: /home/cloudera.
I made changes to the PATH variable in .bashrc as below:
But when I try to execute spark-shell from the home directory: /home/cloudera, it says no such file or directory which can be seen below:
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ spark-shell
/home/cloudera/spark/bin/spark-class: line 71: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/bin/java: No such file or directory
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$
Could anyone let me know how can I fix the problem and configure it properly ?