Background : We have a 3 node cluster namely nodeone, nodetwo, nodethree. We have successfully installed Ambari and services like HDFS, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics, SmartSense, Kafka. Later, we tried to add Yarn service which comes along with MapReduce ie., Yarn+MapReduce2. Services are added successfully, however we are facing problem in starting Yarn Services like ResourceManager, YARN Registry DNS, Timeline Service V2.0 Reader ie.,
We added
Services already installed and working fine are :
HDFS, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics, SmartSense, Kafka.
Services failed to start:
Resource Manager_Yarn.txt
YARN Registry DNS / YARN
Timeline Service V2.0 Reader / YARN
I understand Namenode should be running prior to starting YARN and it is running as expected.
As per my investigation of the logs, I am getting an error saying 'Your request could not be processed because an error occurred contacting the DNS server'. Could you please suggest on how to solve this issue?
Could you please help me in starting YARN services? I will attach the logs for Resource Manager and Timeline Service V2.0 Reader. Please do let me know if any other information is required.
Thanks and regards,