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Unable to start ambari-server - password authentication failed for user "ambari"



I work on a cluster with HDP 2.4.

I'm not able to start ambari. I use this command:

[ambari@ current]$ service ambari-server restart

And I get this error:

ERROR: Exiting with exit code -1.
REASON: Ambari Server java process died with exitcode 1. Check /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.out for more information

In the ambari-server.out and ambari-server.log files i get the same error:

15 Sep 2016 10:42:28,893 ERROR [main] DBAccessorImpl:102 - Error while creating database accessor 
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "ambari"

So, i guess the ambari-server start command try to connect to the PostgreSQL ambari database, but can't access it because he don't use the correct password.

How can i know which password is used by this command ? What can I do to solve this issue and restart ambari?


Edit: The error appeared after i change the password of the user "ambari" on the PostgreSQL database.



I found the issue and how to solve it. here is my explaination:

ambari-server starts using "ambari" user and the password found in the configuration file /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat

By default, the password is "bigdata".

As I updated, via psql, the PostgreSQL ambari password, the password in the configration file was incorrect.

Si i changed the content of the configuration file with the value of my new password and the server restarted well.

View solution in original post




If you are using sandbox2.4 or higher then you can reset password as :

  1. Start your sandbox, ssh using a terminal or the web browser link:
  2. Run the following commands:
  3. ambari-admin-password-reset

In general you can run the following query in yoru ambari DB to reset the password of ambari to default "admin/admin"

1. Log on to ambari server host shell

2. Run 'psql -U ambari-server ambari' (OR) 'psql -U ambari ambari'

3. Enter password 'bigdata'

4. In psql query as following:

   update ambari.users set user_password='538916f8943ec225d97a9a86a2c6ec0818c1cd400e09e03b660fdaaec4af29ddbb6f2b1033b81b00' where user_name='admin' 

5. Quit psql

6. Run 'ambari-server restart'


I'm not using the sandbox. I'm working on a cluster with HDP 2.4.

This procedure updates the password for the "admin" user of Ambari. But the error seems to concern the "ambari" user.


hi @jss & @xli, tried the step. and im getting the below error. i am missing any configuration?



I found the issue and how to solve it. here is my explaination:

ambari-server starts using "ambari" user and the password found in the configuration file /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat

By default, the password is "bigdata".

As I updated, via psql, the PostgreSQL ambari password, the password in the configration file was incorrect.

Si i changed the content of the configuration file with the value of my new password and the server restarted well.


Hi @xli, please share how you change the content of the configuration file? any specify command to use?