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Upgrading HDP 3.1.0 to 3.1.4 : no button to close properly after Finalize


I'm facing an issue during the upgrade of HDP to on Ubuntu 18

All services have been updated by the upgrade progress, and after clicking on the Finalize button, I can see that the upgraded is finished, but there's no button to quit the upgrade progress. There's only the Dismiss button available.

I was waiting a dedicated button in order to close properly the upgrade process, other than the Dismiss button

HDP upgrade processHDP upgrade process



First of all: Please consider using the latest version of the platform. For HDP 3 that is currently HDP 3.1.5 which is kept up to date with nice little things such as security patches, it also offers a path towards CDP. (The next generation given that HDP will be end of life some time next year).


If there is anything holding you back from using 3.1.5 please reach out to your cloudera contact person.


That being said, judging from the info on the top left the upgrade seems finished. I would mainly pay attention to the red flags (oozie) to ensure it was fully successful.



- Dennis Jaheruddin

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Thanks for this reply

I want to upgrade to the version 3.1.4, because the download of the packages of the version 3.1.5 requires a login/passwd that I don't have.

Regarding the red flag on Oozie, I think that it's due to the BUG-123169 that I will try to workaround with a upgrade of bigtop-tomcat