Created 09-06-2017 07:15 AM
Created 09-06-2017 07:19 AM
core-site.xml & hdfs-site.xml are the important ones.
Hadoop’s Java configuration is driven by two types of important configuration files:
Created 09-07-2017 01:58 PM
Edit the following Core Hadoop Configuration files to setup the cluster.
• core-site.xml
• hdfs-site.xml
• mapred-site.xml
• masters
• slaves
HADOOP_HOME directory (the extracted directory(etc) is called as HADOOP_HOME. e.g. hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.5.1) contain all the libraries, scripts, configuration files, etc.
1. This file specifies environment variables that affect the JDK used by Hadoop Daemon (bin/hadoop).
As Hadoop framework is written in Java and uses Java Runtime
environment, one of the important environment variables for Hadoop
daemon is $JAVA_HOME in
2. This variable directs Hadoop daemon to the Java path in the system
Actual:export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-the-root-of-your-Java-installation>
Change:export JAVA_HOME=</usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/>
3. This file informs Hadoop daemon where NameNode runs in the cluster.
It contains the configuration settings for Hadoop Core such as I/O
settings that are common to HDFS and MapReduce.
Location of namenode is specified by fs.defaultFS property
namenode running at 9000 port on localhost.
hadoop.tmp.dir property to specify the location where temporary as well as permanent data of Hadoop will be stored.
“/home/dataflair/hadmin” is my location; here you need to specify a location where you have Read Write privileges.
we need to make changes in Hadoop configuration file hdfs-site.xml
(which is located in HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop) by executing the below
Hdata@ubuntu:~/hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.5.1/etc/hadoop$ nano hdfs-site.xml
Replication factor
Replication factor is specified by dfs.replication property;
as it is a single node cluster hence we will set replication to 1.
we need to make changes in Hadoop configuration file mapred-site.xml (which is located in HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop)
Note: In order to edit mapred-site.xml file we need to first create a
copy of file mapred-site.xml.template. A copy of this file can be
created using the following command:
Hdata@ubuntu:~/ hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.5.1/etc/hadoop$ cp mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml
We will now edit the mapred-site.xml file by using the following command:
Hdata@ubuntu:~/hadoop-2.6.0-cdh5.5.1/etc/hadoop$ nano mapred-site.xml
In order to specify which framework should be used for MapReduce, we use property, yarn is used here.
In order to specify auxiliary service need to run with nodemanager“yarn.nodemanager.aux-services” property is used.
Here Shuffling is used as auxiliary service. And in order to know the
class that should be used for shuffling we user