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What do I enter into this Tableau data connector to connect to the Hadoop Sandbox,What do I enter into the Tableau data connector to successfully connect to a Default Sandbox Installation

New Contributor

I have successfully installed Sandbox and loaded and queried data via Ambari and Hive 2. I followed the tutorial, so no changes were made to the installation. Here is a screen shot of the Hosts screen and the IP address info at the top of Ambari:


I downloaded and installed these two database drivers, because of uncertainty. Here's a screen shot of the driver files:


Now, in Tableau, I chose the Hortonworks Hadoop Hive data connector, and this is where the confusion set in. I simply do not know what I should enter after trying different details based on the information I knew about Sandbox.


Also, I looked at the MapR Hadoop Hive data connector in Tableau, and it looks for the same basic information, but simply unsure as to what I should enter.


PLEASE HELP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Thank you so much! Which server, port, etc should I enter based on a default installation of Sandbox?




Hi @Terrie Pugh

I just connected Tableau installed on my Mac to the latest HDP 2.6 Sandbox's Hive. Here are the steps I took with some screenshots in case they help you:

1) Install the Hortonworks ODBC Connector for the OS you are using:

2) In Tableau, Choose the Hortonworks Hadoop Hive Connection and configure as per the screenshot

3) maria_dev should be fine if that was the user your loaded your data with


Once you are in, you can test the connection within Tableau by doing a schema search for "*" to see if it pulls back the databases as shown:


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View solution in original post


New Contributor

I found two youtube videos that added clarity to my initial question, however, I am still uncertain of what I would specify as the server name based on the tutorial from Hortonworks and should I use the maria_dev username and password that I used to log into Ambari to create/load the tables?




Hi @Terrie Pugh

I just connected Tableau installed on my Mac to the latest HDP 2.6 Sandbox's Hive. Here are the steps I took with some screenshots in case they help you:

1) Install the Hortonworks ODBC Connector for the OS you are using:

2) In Tableau, Choose the Hortonworks Hadoop Hive Connection and configure as per the screenshot

3) maria_dev should be fine if that was the user your loaded your data with


Once you are in, you can test the connection within Tableau by doing a schema search for "*" to see if it pulls back the databases as shown:


As always, if you find this post useful, don't forget to accept the answer.

@Sonu Sahi

is Tableau working as a live data stream dashboard? I mean if the chars are reloading in real time?


I haven't seen it work that, I think in the background it is generating SQL queries and sending them over the JDBC driver.

New Contributor

@Sonu Sahi I want to THANK YOU! It worked! Greatly appreciated.


@Sonu Sahi

Hi, I am having the same issue with cloudbreak in azure. Would you please help me out how to configure the DSN setup. I am confused with the host name. What should i provide here? I have 2 node cluster- master and worker. Should i provide the FQDN here? would you please provide the step-by-step configuration with all the values those need to be configured? Thank you.


Sonu Sahi

you have to provide the Hiveserver2 server name and the port (default is 10000)


@ Sankaru Thumuluru @Terrie Pugh

Hi, i am using cloudbreak in AZURE. Now trying to connect Tableau with hive table. Would you please help me out? I am getting confused in the ODBC driver configuration. What should i provide in --

1. host name: is it my HDP master node's DNS?

2. Port: 10000

3. Database: default

4. Authentication: which mechanism should i choose?

5.User name: is it my Ambari user name and password?

6. Thrift Transport: which one need to be selected?

Thank you.


@Marshal Tito

The hostname should be the node you have installed the hiveserver2 on. The username/pw should be a hadoop user you have created (or if using the Sandbox, one of the pre-created users such as maria_dev). Within Azure, make sure the port that you are connecting over is open (10000) from your tableau system to your hadoop cluster. Usually on public clouds, it is the closed firewall ports that is the issue.