Created on 01-31-2017 01:34 AM - edited 09-16-2022 03:59 AM
I'm having issue with Kafka Mirror Maker. I've stopped the mirror maker for 30 minutes due to a cluster upgrade and at the restart of the cluster the mirror maker is not able to consume data from the source cluster. I see that the lag of the consumer group of the mirror maker is very high so I'm thinking about some parameters to change in order to increase the buffer size of the mirror maker. I've tried changing the consumer group for the mirror maker and in this case this operation allows to restart consuming data from the latest messages. When I try to restart the process from the last saved offsets I see a peak of consumed data but the mirror maker is not able to commit offsets infact the log is blocked at the row: INFO$: Committing offsets and no more rows are showev after this one.
I think that the problem is related to the huge amount of data to process. Ive running a cluster with Kafka with this configuration:
Created 01-31-2017 08:06 AM
Created 02-02-2017 03:18 AM
Hi, thank you for the responce.
Consumer stream is bounded to the number of the partition of the topic so increasing the number of consumer and producer will not solve the problem. From one partition you can have maximum one consumer for a single consumer group.
I was thinking about to increase the queue size of the mirror maker but this is still not working..
Created 11-14-2019 03:48 PM
is this issue resolved. could you help us to know how did you get around from that huge lag problem without loosing data?
Created 11-14-2019 08:53 PM
@bdelpizzo Can you see any error in kafka logs/mirror maker logs? It might be possible that the mirror maker is not able to process messages, because of size of message. If the size of any message is high than configured/default value then it might stuck in queue.
Check for message.max.bytes property