@P D
That is the usual QA step. Pick and choose from here: https://github.com/aengusrooneyhortonworks/HadoopBenchmarks
If you use HDFS, Hive, HBase, choose those applicable. At the minimum you could hive test-bench and teragen/terasort, and maybe one for HBase.
You could do those, but it may take time. You
could just login to Hive and run some queries. Then log to HBase and perform
usual commands using hbase-shell and you could also run SQL via Phoenix.
is a smoke test suite that you could build for the upgrades. You may have to
include tests for all the tools in the ecosystem. There will be Storm topologies that you have to handle. There will be Spark jobs that you have to test etc.
A test plan of each tool is a good thing.