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Why only host:port export allowed at component level export level ?



Can some explain the documented limitation in

In the section on exporting data at component level, "Currently, only the host name and dynamically allocated port values can be exported"

Why only host/port exports are allowed @ component level ?

Thanks, Manoj



that doc is a bit confusion: I read it myself and wasn't too sure. I've file a JIRA on reviewing and updating it.

Bearing in mind the python agent-side code is not something I know my way around, I think that comment about hostname:port is actually describing how site configurations can be built up.

I believe that python installation code running in a container can actually push out any quicklink values it wants. Client apps do have to be aware that (a) that data isn't there until the container is up and running, (b) after failover the outdated entries will hang around until replaced

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Master Mentor

best answered by @stevel


that doc is a bit confusion: I read it myself and wasn't too sure. I've file a JIRA on reviewing and updating it.

Bearing in mind the python agent-side code is not something I know my way around, I think that comment about hostname:port is actually describing how site configurations can be built up.

I believe that python installation code running in a container can actually push out any quicklink values it wants. Client apps do have to be aware that (a) that data isn't there until the container is up and running, (b) after failover the outdated entries will hang around until replaced


Thanks Steve. I am aware of your points "a" and "b" - we also discussed "b" on the dev d-list on the thread between two of us and Jon.