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Will Zookeeper select the stopped hiveserver2?


I have a node where I have installed hiveserver2. I have to stop the running hiveserver2 on that node, if I just stop the hiveserver2. It still shows up in the zookeeper if I do ls /hiverserver ... So zookeeper will still select that hiveserver even though its stopped? As I know zookeeper will select randomly registered hive server2.

Also If I want to install the hiverserver2 again.. I should just install it from Ambari right? is there any other steps need to follow to install hiveserver2?


Super Guru

@Madhura Mhatre,

When you start HiveServer2 , it will create a znode under /hiveserver2 with the below format



After hiveserver2 is stopped, it will delete this znode but not the parent /hiveserver znode. If you want to install the hiveserver2 again, you can do it again from Ambari.


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Super Guru

@Madhura Mhatre,

When you start HiveServer2 , it will create a znode under /hiveserver2 with the below format



After hiveserver2 is stopped, it will delete this znode but not the parent /hiveserver znode. If you want to install the hiveserver2 again, you can do it again from Ambari.


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Hi @Aditya Sirna, I have some followup questions.

1. I have multple hiveserver, so thats why I want to stop one.. but if I stop it I still see the znode. So I am not sure if Zookeeper will select this hiveserver2 randomly. Do I need to delete this hiveserver2 after stopping so it will get deleted from the znode?

2. For hiveserver2 to install is there any steps need to follow?


Super Guru

@Madhura Mhatre,

1) If you have multiple hiveservers, you will have multiple znodes(of the above mentioned forma) under /hiveserver2. When you stop the hiveserver2, respective znode will be deleted from zookeeper. If you stop all the hiveserver instances, then /hiveserver2 will have no znodes under it. You should not delete /hiveserver2 . hiveserver2 is the parent znode , respective hiveserver znodes will be under the parent znode ie /hiveserver2.

2) By installing do you mean you want to add another hiveserver2 to the cluster. If yes, then follow the below doc link