Created 03-14-2017 07:02 PM
Can anyone confirm and provide more details on hive-impersonation in hadoop.For, hive-impersonation i believe below '' property needs to be set to true and does hive-impersonation works on non-secure cluster or it will work only on secure(kerberos) hadoop cluster.
Created 03-14-2017 07:08 PM
Hive user impersonation should work irrespective of simple or kerberos hadoop cluster. Please refer to the documenation here.
Created 03-14-2017 07:08 PM
Hive user impersonation should work irrespective of simple or kerberos hadoop cluster. Please refer to the documenation here.
Created 03-14-2017 08:57 PM
Below post has a pretty good explanation:
Hope this helps.
Created 03-27-2017 10:35 PM
Kerberos is for authentication purpose while doAs is for authorization. When doAs is set to true, the queries against Metastore and jobs executed on HADOOP cluster run as the end user as opposed to user "hive". For example, the HDFS permission checks during job executions will be against the end user.