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Zeppelin authentication HDP 2.3.0

Super Collaborator


My cluster is not Kerberized. I am using HDP 2.3.0 with Ambari 2.1.1. I updated Spark to 1.6.0 (from HDP 2.4 stack) and installed Zeppelin from this tutorial.

I have a problem with authentication. When I set zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false in Ambari, and restart Zeppelin I can still access Zeppelin without providing credentials. Also I want to configure authentication via Active Directory but I can't find shiro.ini file. Zeppelin is installed in /opt/zeppelin. My questions are:

1. Is AD or any authentication method supported for Zeppelin for components versions in my case?

2. Is AD authentication supported in HDP 2.3.2?

3. Does Zeppelin works with Spark version 1.3.1?

4. Why I can't see shiro.ini in conf directory?

Whats strange: In Ambari -> Add services I see Zeppelin Notebook in version 0.0.10

Thank you in advance!


Master Guru

@Edgar Daeds LDAP+AD integration for authentication should be in zeppelin 0.6.0. I believe it is for HDP 2.5

View solution in original post


Master Guru

@Edgar Daeds LDAP+AD integration for authentication should be in zeppelin 0.6.0. I believe it is for HDP 2.5

Super Collaborator
@Sunile Manjee

I installed zeppelin-0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz tarball. As I read LDAP authentication is currently available for HDP version 2.4 source

Master Guru

it is in technical preview in 2.4x. Your question was about 2.3.2. So you should be okay testing it out in 2.4.x

Super Collaborator

@Sunile Manjee Thank you for answer. So there is no way to authenticate Zeppelin via LDAP+AD in HDP stack 2.3.0 or 2.3.2? And that is why I can't see shiro.ini in my conf folder?

Master Guru

@Edgar Daeds I do not recommend using Zeppelin LDAP+AD (0.6.0) on stack less then 2.4.x. Can it be done..I can't say for sure. Your path may be riddled with trouble. Do it with 2.4.x.