Created 05-13-2019 06:00 AM
hi all
in ambari metrics configuration , we have the following
since /var is 97%
we want to replace the path to the new disk ( that mounted to data_metrics folder )
as the following:
can we just change the path and restart the metrics service ?
so all metrics data will be under - /data_metrics/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase
instead of - /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase ?
Created 05-13-2019 06:21 AM
HI @Michael Bronson ,
Referring to your doubt of Changing the hbase.rootdir
Please follow the following steps and let me know if this helps ( I am assuming that you need to preserve all the Previously collected metrics )
1)Stop ambari-metrics
2) Copy the contents of /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/ to the New directory you want to set as new
for ex :
cd /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/ mv hbase hbase-tmp/ /tmp/ambari-metrics-collector/
3) go to ambari-ui->services->ambari-metrics->config -> search for hbase.rootdir and hbase.tmpdir and change it accordingly as per new Folder sctructure.
4) Start ambari-metrics collector
5) you can see AMS has successfully using the new Hbase dir and also the old matrics are preserved
Let me know if this helps. Please accept the answer if it did.
Created 05-13-2019 06:21 AM
HI @Michael Bronson ,
Referring to your doubt of Changing the hbase.rootdir
Please follow the following steps and let me know if this helps ( I am assuming that you need to preserve all the Previously collected metrics )
1)Stop ambari-metrics
2) Copy the contents of /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/ to the New directory you want to set as new
for ex :
cd /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/ mv hbase hbase-tmp/ /tmp/ambari-metrics-collector/
3) go to ambari-ui->services->ambari-metrics->config -> search for hbase.rootdir and hbase.tmpdir and change it accordingly as per new Folder sctructure.
4) Start ambari-metrics collector
5) you can see AMS has successfully using the new Hbase dir and also the old matrics are preserved
Let me know if this helps. Please accept the answer if it did.
Created 05-13-2019 06:28 AM
do you mean to copy the folder /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase to the new path - /data_metrics/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/
mv /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase /data_metrics/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/
Created 05-13-2019 07:32 AM
you should be copying the directory structure as it is . Create folder hbase and hbase in /data_metrics/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/ and copy the contents from other place as it is.