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ambari-server start error,ambari-server start error.
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Apache Ambari
Created on 10-04-2016 08:57 PM - edited 08-19-2019 04:11 AM
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Hi am trying to setup a cluster on a new vm.
am getting this error. could someone help me in fixing the error.
Thank You.
am getting the following error. This is a fresh install.
could someone help me in fixing the issue.
Created 10-05-2016 04:20 AM
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Looks like your Postgres Database setup was not done correctly. Actually ambari does that for the embedded Postgres on your behalf. So i will suggest try doing the following things:
1. Make sure that the "hostname -f" is returning a proper hostname in your machine.
2. ambari-server reset
3. ambari-server setup
Or as last option try re-instaling ambari
3. yum remove ambari-server
4. yum install ambari-server
5. ambari-server setup
Created 10-05-2016 04:20 AM
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Looks like your Postgres Database setup was not done correctly. Actually ambari does that for the embedded Postgres on your behalf. So i will suggest try doing the following things:
1. Make sure that the "hostname -f" is returning a proper hostname in your machine.
2. ambari-server reset
3. ambari-server setup
Or as last option try re-instaling ambari
3. yum remove ambari-server
4. yum install ambari-server
5. ambari-server setup
Created 10-05-2016 03:52 PM
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Hi @jk Thanks for the reply.
for the first command am getting the following output.
[root@ankushHorton ~]# hostname -f
hostname: Unknown host
I don't know if that looks good.
I did followed the step by step process.
And from step:2 on wards I did them couple of times.
2. ambari-server reset
3. ambari-server setup
Or as last option try re-instaling ambari
3. yum remove ambari-server
4. yum install ambari-server
5. ambari-server setup
Created 10-05-2016 04:19 PM
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@ankush reddy sugureddy
You have to do the entry of you hostname as fully qualified domain in /etc/hosts file
i.e.:- vi /etc/hosts
10.xxxx.xxx.xxx test.xyz.com
then the output will be of hostname -f is test.xyz.com and then reset the server with ambari-server reset command and try again.
Steps to setup cluster:-
There are some pre-requisites required for hadoop that we need to take care of before we set up the cluster. We will do them one by one now.
Install ntp and sync the time.
1) Setup password-less ssh from master to slaves.
2) Update /etc/hosts file
3) Update it on each node to contain entries for all hosts in the cluster.
4) install Java
5) disable seliux and iptable
6)Download amabari repo
wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/2.x/updates/2.1.0/ambari.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
7) install amabari
yum install ambari-server
😎 run command to setup amabari
ambari-server setup and press enter for all question
9) Now start the ambari server
ambari-server start
10) Once service is started successfully then check UI at <ambari IP>:8080
11) You will see UI. Default login credentials are admin:admin (username:password)
For the next steps follow the link:-
Created 10-05-2016 05:46 PM
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Hi @Ashnee Sharma Thank You for the reply.
This way I fixed the hostname.
As user “root”
“vi /etc/sysconfig/network”, change HOSTNAME value to the new hostname
“hostname NEW_HOST_NAME” to change it for the current sessions
“vi /etc/hosts”, change the old value to point to the new hostname
“service network restart” to restart the networking service and apply all the new changes.
and the error got resolved.