i create an hive temp table that use case when, like this:
case when xxx then coalesce(t1.Cuur_Db_Qty, 0) else (coalesce(t1.Cuur_Db_Qty, 0) + coalesce(t3.Curr_Term_Db_Occur_Qty, 0)) end
which face an error like this:
AnalysisException: Incompatible return types 'DECIMAL(38,15)' and 'DECIMAL(38,14)' of exprs 'coalesce(t1.Cuur_Db_Qty, 0)' and '(coalesce(t1.Cuur_Db_Qty, 0) + coalesce(t3.Curr_Term_Db_Occur_Qty, 0))'.
my impala version is 3.3,and i execute in impala 2.8 that is no this error,who can ask the question