Created 09-07-2016 08:42 AM
If we create a database or internal tables then by default it is creating with 777 permission.
I have umask in hdfs but not sure why it is not applicable for /apps/hive/warehouse dir. So any idea how we can prevent it from 777 to 755 or 750.
Thanks in advance.
Created 09-07-2016 05:22 PM
Changing the warehouse directory permission
1.From the command line in the Ambari server node, edit the file
which should go to this block:params.HdfsResource(params.hive_apps_whs_dir, type="directory", action="create_on_execute", owner=params.hive_user, group=params.user_group, mode=0755 )
ambari-server restart
It may take a few seconds to update the file in the Ambari agents on all nodes. To verify if the change has been applied on a particular node, check the content of in
Hope this helps you.
Created 09-07-2016 05:22 PM
Changing the warehouse directory permission
1.From the command line in the Ambari server node, edit the file
which should go to this block:params.HdfsResource(params.hive_apps_whs_dir, type="directory", action="create_on_execute", owner=params.hive_user, group=params.user_group, mode=0755 )
ambari-server restart
It may take a few seconds to update the file in the Ambari agents on all nodes. To verify if the change has been applied on a particular node, check the content of in
Hope this helps you.