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assign VERY_HIGH priority to an oozie workflow

Expert Contributor

One of my workflows in oozie is very important and I would always like it to be allocated the reesources it needs before anything else.

This workflow has a sqoop job and hive queries. What do I need to do to assign VERY_HIGH priority to this workflow . A direction would be appreciated. I have tried looking it up but still pretty clueless about "how" to do it


Rising Star
@Simran Kaur Oozie does not handle workflow jobs priority. As soon as a workflow job is ready to do a transition, Oozie will trigger the transition. Workflow transitions and action triggering are assumed to be fast and lightweight operations.

In the capacity scheduler you could set a high priority queue providing the maximum resources of the cluster with extension( max. Capacity) to 100%. And while running the oozie workflow, you can provide the queue name in and workflow.xml so that the job is always submitted to a high priority queue.

  • In Job.Properties File
  • Use the queueName in workflow.xml

Expert Contributor

@Shashank Chandhok: Thank you. I have done that and now my job is being submitted to a queue that is not pre-empted . But I would also like to set priority of the job. I tried setting SET mapred.job.priority in hive query itself in the editor but even then these are submitted with NORMAL priority as I see through hadoop job -list

Rising Star

@Simran Kaur I believe currently oozie does not support the functionality of tagging jobs with prioirities Check the following links for more details

Oozie Workflow Functional Spec


Rising Star

@Simran Kaur

You can create separate yarn queue for these jobs. You can use capacity scheduler or Yarn queue manager view in Ambari .

Now you can use this queue for your high priority oozie jobs

Kindly let me know if this helps.

Expert Contributor

@prsinghThank you. I have done that and now my job is being submitted to a queue that is not pre-empted . But I would also like to set priority of the job. I tried setting SET mapred.job.priority in hive query itself in the editor but even then these are submitted with NORMAL priority as I see through hadoop job -list

Rising Star

@Simran Kaur

Please try with "mapreduce.job.priority" as "mapred.job.priority" is deprecated now.

Expert Contributor

I did. Nothing changed