Created 01-26-2016 03:52 AM
Kerberos version: 1.10.3-10
HBase version: 1.1.1
1. Kerberos Installed
<Reproduce steps>
1. use root to create hbase4 account
2. registered hbase4 in Kerberos server
3. change user to hbase4 ($su hbase4)
4. get ticket: kinit -k -t /etc/security/keytabs/hbase4.user.keytab hbase4@EXAMPLE.COM
5. $cd /usr/hdp/
6. $./hbase shell
7. hbase(main):001:0> create 'results','name','scores'
Actual Result: ERROR: Insufficient permissions (user=hbase4@EXAMPLE.COM, scope=default, params= [namespace=default,table=default:results1,family=name|scores],action=CREATE)
Created 01-26-2016 03:56 AM
You are getting an Access control exception, because the by default the user is not allowed to create a table. You should give either global level or namespace level privileges to the desired user so that that user can create a table.
Out of the box, only the HBase user will have permissions to grant other permissions, so you have to log in as the hbase user.
You can check and the security section in the book.
Created 01-26-2016 03:55 AM
Created 01-26-2016 03:56 AM
You are getting an Access control exception, because the by default the user is not allowed to create a table. You should give either global level or namespace level privileges to the desired user so that that user can create a table.
Out of the box, only the HBase user will have permissions to grant other permissions, so you have to log in as the hbase user.
You can check and the security section in the book.
Created 02-02-2016 05:20 PM
@Archer Huang has this been resolved? Can you accept the best answer or provide your own solution?
Created 01-04-2018 09:33 AM
# sudo -u hbase kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hbase.service.keytab hbase/
# sudo -u hbase hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> grant 'hbase4','RWCA'