Created 12-01-2017 12:17 PM
when I start configuring My Ambari server, I put the port (3306): 8080, but I realize later that this port is the wrong port, so I restart My set up of My ambari service from scratch (sudo service ambari server setup) but i get this error when I want to start the service:
DB configs consistency check: no errors and warnings were found. ERROR: Exiting with exit code 1. REASON: Server not yet listening on http port 8080 after 50 seconds. Exiting.<br>
it seems like the 8080 port still exists.
How can I Force the change?
Created 12-01-2017 12:32 PM
If you are planning to change the ambari server port due to the following message then you should not.
The following error just indicates that your Ambari Server is taking slightly more than default 50 Seconds time to open port 8080 and hence you see this message.
ERROR: Exiting with exit code 1. REASON: Server not yet listening on http port 8080 after 50 seconds. Exiting.
You should try the following to fix this:
Edit the "/etc/ambari-server/conf/" and increase the following property value to 120 or 150 seconds.
Then restart the ambari-server again.
# ambari-server restart
Created 12-01-2017 12:21 PM
Ambari will by default run on port 8080. 3306 is default port for mysql . If you still want to use 3306 for ambari (though it is not recommended)
You can add this line in /etc/ambari-server/conf/
Restart ambari server after doing this
ambari-server restart
Also check the logs to find out exact issue, (/var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log)
Created 12-01-2017 12:32 PM
If you are planning to change the ambari server port due to the following message then you should not.
The following error just indicates that your Ambari Server is taking slightly more than default 50 Seconds time to open port 8080 and hence you see this message.
ERROR: Exiting with exit code 1. REASON: Server not yet listening on http port 8080 after 50 seconds. Exiting.
You should try the following to fix this:
Edit the "/etc/ambari-server/conf/" and increase the following property value to 120 or 150 seconds.
Then restart the ambari-server again.
# ambari-server restart
Created 12-01-2017 12:36 PM
Also pelase see the "Fixed Issues" section here: (Search for "AMBARI-20220")
Created 02-14-2018 09:14 AM
Thank you @Jay Kumar SenSharma . This makes sense and I understand what is causing the error. But i have a bit of an issue in fixing it. I'm still fairly new in Linux, could you help me by specifying the exact commands i need to run in to adjust the 50 to 120. I'm attaching an image showing what i have tried and results thereof. runtime-error.png
Created 03-20-2018 03:55 AM
Any way we can edit parameters before starting VM? I starting it first time and it is stuck on ‘ connecting ambari agent services’ . Nothing further. It really is annoying and doesn’t allow me further to work.
Created 03-20-2018 03:53 AM
How can I edit file if I am starting the VM first time and the VM did not start yet. Is there a way I can edit parameter in the file before starting VM?
I am not even able to open VM, so how can I change parameters from 50 sec to 120 sec in the file suggested?
Created 11-16-2018 06:36 AM
Use vi /etc/ambari-server/conf/ , add the entry, then esc, then :, then wq for save and quite or q! for without saving
,use vi to edit and wq to save and quite or q! to exit without saving