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check memory and cpu usage

New Contributor

there are like 1k finished jobs and i want to check allocated CPU and memory of those jobs. how to do that? i tried in command line but it shows when i enter job id and in my yarn UI CPU and memory metrics are not there.Screenshot from 2022-05-05 14-19-25.png


Master Collaborator
To get the number of vcores and memory used for a particular queue in the cluster 

You can get this information in the cluster utilization report, please go through the below doc for more information:

Also, if you want to see the resources used for each application, please go through the below KB article:
another option is
Using yarn application -status command, you can get the Aggregate Resource Allocation for an application.
For e.g.  yarn application -status application_ID (for one of completed applications), one of the rows returned is:
Aggregate Resource Allocation : 46641 MB-seconds, 37 vcore-seconds
This gives an aggregate memory and CPU allocations in seconds.